Being over 50 is no excuse.

You may think that it is normal to have back pain as you age and that you just have to deal with it and accept it is a part of life. Pain is a symptom, it is the way your body tells you where and how bad your problem is.

Have you stopped activities that you previously enjoyed because of your pain?

At Lamp Chiropractic, we believe that anyone at any age can benefit from chiropractic care. A randomised control study with 240 participants shows that spinal manipulative therapy can help with your low back pain for those over the age of 55. It also shows that it was more effective than conservative medical care.

At Lamp Chiropractic we will take a history, perform a physical exam to ensure that you are in the right place and that chiropractic can help you. Come in and see how we can help you become pain free and get you back to doing what you love.

Our treatment method is designed to get you pain free, and then teach you how you can stay that way.