Is sitting the new smoking? 22 Jun 2015 At Lamp chiropractic we tell all our patients about the negative affect sitting has on the body and how it affects our biomechanics. While in the waiting room a patient mentioned that there was an article in Fitness First magazine talking about ’why sitting is the new smoking’. This intrigued our chiropractors. Some of the points include: The latest research shows that 63% of the australian population are overweight or obese and that the average office worker spends nearly 14 hours a day sitting. When sitting we shorten our hip flexors and hamstrings. These muscles pull on the pelvis causing rotation and a reduced curve in the lower back which can lead to back pain. A recent study showed over a quarter of a million Australians are being forced into early retirement due to back pain and arthritic pain. More and more young people are being affected by postural dysfunction due to the overall change in our lifestyle. From being active in the past to being sedentary in inactive desk jobs. Technology is also affecting us as we often hold phones or tablets for long periods with our heads drooped. (T.Krasick, Sept/Oct 2013 Fitness First. pg51-53 ) Things you can do: Get your posture assessed by your Chiropractor Take regular breaks from sitting, set an alarm every 30-45min Walk around the office as much as you can Stay active, go for a walk, run or swim each day or even better all three So next time you are sitting for a long period of time, think of the impact it could be having on your overall health. Post navigation Previous BlogNext Blog